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Helping You Create & Manage Sales Opportunities

A harsh reality hit me a few years ago, many of the things that used to work so well in sales, were nothing like as effective as they used to be.

That's because the way people like to buy had changed significantly, but the way I had been asking my teams to sell, hadn't.

Buyers now prefer to educate themselves about products, via websites or peer review sites, while keeping commission-breathed sales people, with their biased opinions, at arms length for as long as possible.

It means the hardest part of sales is now opening an opportunity rather closing one.

The Pipeline Doctors specialise in opening opportunities.

Put another way, we open doors that you don't have the time, or perhaps the ability, to open yourself.

So why not let someone else open them for you?

You will save yourself an enormous amount of time by not researching, emailing or calling yourself. But best of all - you will save your sanity by not getting rejected so damned much!

But we're not for everyone. We set appointments as opposed to generating leads, which means our focus is sales rather than marketing.

But we really focus on those hard-to-get-into organisations ... the one's that will transform your business through the scale of the business you do with them or the kudos of having done business with them.
And we really prefer to do business with CEO's of SME's.


So why CEO's? Because CEO's (particularly founding CEO's) are almost invariably the best sales people the organisation, no matter how big it gets, will ever have. And our success rides on your success.

Why SME's? Any bigger and the company will, probably, have sales people doing the selling for them.

Give me a holler on +61 418 381829 or email; and I'll explain how the service works, what it costs and point you in the direction of other CEO's who have/are using the service (to get their feedback before you commit to anything).

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